Sunday, March 7, 2010

She also got that SMS!!!!!!!!!

A Small but Strong Love Story

Two true lovers were traveling on a bike. The boy rode the bike very fast.
Girl: I am getting scared. Pls slow down.
Boy: First you should hug me.
The girl did so....
Boy: This helmet is of no use for me. You may wear it.

The girl wore the helmet.

Next day, in the newspaper
Boy died in bike accident, girl seriously injured

What happened actually was while speeding on the bike, the boy understood that the brake had gone. Before dying, he wanted to FEEL the LOVE of his dear. He also wanted to SAVE her from being dead. So he made her to wear the helmet.

Quite interesting, right? True and likely to happen..... There are still guys who are willing to die for their gals...

Here is a new version of the story.....

Two true lovers were travelling on a bike. The boy rode the bike very fast.
Girl: I am getting scared. Pls slow down.

Boy: First you should hug me.

The girl did so....

Boy: This helmet is of no use for me. You may wear it.
The girl took the helmet and threw it away and said.
Next day, the newspapers carried this news

Boy and girl killed in bike accident

What happened actually was while speeding on the bike, the boy understood that the brake had gone. Before dying, he wanted to FEEL the LOVE of his dear. He also wanted to SAVE her from being dead. So he made her to wear the helmet. But reading his mind, she asked. Do you think that you are the only person who got that forward SMS? We will die together and let somebody rewrite that SMS.

How about this one? Will this happen ever? God knows!!!!!!!

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